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Markus Hofer

Œuvres disponibles | Available works :

Né en 1977 à Haslach (Autriche).

Vit travaille à Vienne.

Université d’Art et de Design industriel de Linz (1997-1998), Académie des Beaux-Arts de Vienne (1999-2003), Ecole d’Art et de Design de Berlin-Weissensee (2002-2003).


Born in 1977 in Haslach (Austria)

Lives and works in Vienna.

1997-1998 : Initiates his graduate studies at the University of Artistic and industrial Design of Linz. Later attends the Academy of visual Art of Vienna (1999-2003). Deepens his artistic knowledge at the School of Art and Design of Berlin-Weissensee (2002-2003).


Collections publiques | Public collections :

The Albertina Art Museum, Vienna (Austria)

Museum Humanum, Fratres (Austria)

Landesmuseum, Linz (Austria)

The Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art, Vienna (Austria)

The Hidden Collection, Vienna (Austria)

Papiermacher Museum, Steyrermühl (Austria)…

The Art Foundation, Athens (Greece)

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